Our Design Process: From Design Concept to Transformation

There is no doubt that a renovation can seem intimidating… where do you start? Who do you call? How do you plan for a big project? These questions are exactly why Steve and I love the work we do. 

We specialize in taking large projects and making them manageable, enjoyable, and personal. Every step of the way is collaborative: we want your opinions. We invite your feedback. We learn from you, get to know you, and design with you in mind — from our very first meeting to your final reveal.

A finely tuned design process is how we make real transformations happen, and it consists of 4 exciting phases. Today I’m sharing how it all works...

Phase I: Discovery & Design Concepts


During our initial consultation we will walk through your space with you and listen to your plans, goals, and desires for your renovation. Together, we’ll create a priority list for your wants, must-haves, and big dreams. 

if you need inspiration for kitchen goals, you’ll love this post on 5 Updates That Change the Way You Enjoy Your Kitchen.


When it comes to design aesthetics, we begin by gaining an understanding of what you like and what you don’t like. This post on How to Discover Your Ideal Design Aesthetic will help you find inspirational images (online, in magazines, you name it) to get those wheels turning.

We’ll also show you some design ideas that we’ll have on hand, so you can share what you like, don’t like, and really love. Together, we will work to develop a design personalized that is personalized to you, aids function, and feels joyful.

An example of a preliminary design concept


I recently shared this blog post on the How to Create Your Renovation Budget, but I want to reiterate that it is SO important to take your time with budgeting. It will make a huge difference in how well the project goes. Plus, it keeps everyone on the same page. 

We will start the financial conversation by determining your investment (in other words, the amount you are willing to dedicate to the renovation). From there, we can begin to develop a budget, the itemized breakdown of how funds will be allocated based on your goals and priorities.

Once we have a plan that everyone can get behind, we’ll request the design fee, and move forward to the next exciting phase: the design phase!

Phase II: Design


As we begin the design phase, our team will come to your home to take measurements, evaluate the existing condition of your home, take photos, and gather data for the first round of design development drawings. 


Steve and I will create the initial designs and construction plans. This is the exciting part — you get to see our beautiful design concept and what the space could look like at the end of the project! 

We’ll then present the design concept and preliminary proposal to you. The proposal will include a phased-out timeline for the project (more on what you can expect from a renovation timeline here) so that you know exactly what to expect over the coming weeks or months. 

Once you are happy with the proposal, we’ll get to have some fun selecting materials together. We will schedule showroom visits that are aligned with our initial aesthetics and goals talks, share samples, and ensure that you love the finishes in your home.


Based on the materials you choose, we will refine the proposal, revise our plans, and once again, present them to you for approval and the green light to keep moving full speed ahead!

Phase III: Document & Procurement


When you are happy with the final plans and drawings and have approved our proposal, we’ll draft up a contract. This is our assurance to each other that we are moving forward with the project and that our services have been secured to bring your dream home to life.


As soon as your contract is signed, things really start to move. We get to work ordering materials, scheduling subcontractors, obtaining permits from the city, and planning out each little detail of the project to ensure that things progress efficiently for your timeline and budget. 


Steve and I will hold a pre-construction meeting on site and give you a list of the ways in which you need to prepare your home for construction. This usually includes cleaning out the rooms to be renovated and planning to live without access to the space for a certain amount of time. 

We know this is a big ask, which is why we’ll give you ample time to get your home ready for our crew. If you’ll still be living in the home, please rest assured that it’s normal for construction to be loud and a bit messy (within the renovation area) before the magic can happen!

Heading to the project site!


Phase IV: Build


Once construction begins, we will manage it to completion. The beauty of hiring us is that you do not have to be on site constantly for check-ins, to receive deliveries, or to manage team members. That’s our job, and we LOVE taking the work off your hands. It’s what we do best.

It is our goal to oversee every little detail so that you can dream about the finished product without stressing in the meantime. Ahhhh, peace. :)


As all of the finishing touches are installed, we will clean up the space, do a final walk-through where we identify and address any deficiencies, and then prepare for the most exciting day of the whole process… are you ready?


This is the moment you’ve probably seen on HGTV and imagined for yourself… it’s the BIG REVEAL! This is the moment when you step into your space and see the home you always dreamed of having, a place where you can live, entertain, cook great food, enjoy fine wine, and be completely at ease.

Of course, we hope that you have been happy with the whole renovation process by this point, but this final result is the most important — we hope you walk through the door and fall in love with your home all over again!

If you’re ready to take on that home remodel you’ve been thinking about, we invite you to contact us. We would love to help design and transform your house into a place that truly feels like home.




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