5 Things that Surprise People Most When Renovating for the First Time

If you have never hosted a formal dinner party for a dozen people, how would you know exactly how much food to prepare and wine to purchase? You wouldn’t. (Without some calculations and estimations.)

If you have never traveled to Napa Valley in the fall, how would you know what the weather will be like during your stay? You wouldn’t. (Without looking it up or asking the locals.)

First time renovations are no different. If you haven’t gone through the process before, how could you know what to anticipate? You could watch “reality” shows,  but I think you’ll find that there’s a little less “reality” and a little more “TV” going on there.

Just recently, we published this post that details our design process from start to finish (we encourage you to go check that one out, too!). However, there are 5 other things that our design process overview doesn’t cover that people often encounter (and find themselves surprised by) when they are really living through a renovation or remodel. 

By sharing these 5 things, we hope you find yourself better prepared and more well-equipped for a successful and stress-free renovation.

1. A smart budget takes time

Steve and I regularly meet with potential clients who expect a detailed estimate immediately after our preliminary meeting. Yes, during our initial consultation we will walk through your space, listen to your renovation goals, and create a list of priorities. We’ll even give you ballpark figures at the preliminary discovery meeting, based on our many years of renovating homes comparable to yours in the Florida market...

...but these big-picture conversations alone do not provide enough information to give any project an accurate estimate or create the itemized budget that guides a renovation to success. Before we can create a true budget, we need:

  • Measurements to help us price out material quantities

  • Careful planning, mapping out your space, and MANY design decisions

  • Getting quotes from our subcontractors and network of trades

  • Final floor plans and project drawings 

  • Continual information gathering

These are all required to compile the official working budget for your project. Otherwise, the numbers are guesses, and that is definitely not the best way for you to make a decision about something as important as your home renovation.

We’d even go so far as to say that a smart, realistic, and well-planned budget is the single most important step in bringing your renovation goals to life! 

For more details on the budgeting process, read our blog post about creating a budget for your upcoming renovation

2. A successful design requires careful planning

Thanks to HGTV’s approach — stirring your emotions with a heartfelt story, skimming over the planning and design process, and then showing you a gorgeous completed home — many clients are surprised by just how much time Steve and I spend on planning and procurement.  

Clients often expect us to launch in quickly and jump right from brainstorming to “demo day.” In those cases, we must slow their anticipated pace in order to work through the necessary planning upfront.  

We know it may be frustrating for some of these clients initially (who doesn’t want their project in full swing ASAP, right?), but in the end, these clients always thank us for a job well-done, on-budget, and on-time.

Steve always says, “We will not start a project until we know we can finish.” The plans are our road map to the finish line… and we take the time to do them right!

3. Cost is relative

Many first time renovators are looking for the best deal. They figure if they can get the work done at a lesser cost, why splurge on a higher priced company? I completely understand this approach, and it’s always a good idea to be smart about your budget, but sometimes wisdom means looking further down the road. 

If the initial budget seems too good to be true, it likely is too good to be true. It either means you’ll be surprised later with add-on costs OR you’ll pay for it down the road when you have to remedy a low-quality job. 

Or, worst case scenario, you may end up paying for the same project twice because the first company simply didn’t meet your expectations and your home fills you with disappointment every day.  (Yes, I’ve heard stories like these, and they are heartbreaking.)

That’s why we strongly advise that you don’t choose your renovator based on cost. Cost is relative. 

My best suggestion is to partner with a renovator who has staying power and will be around to take care of any issues that arise down the road. That takes a financially healthy company. 

So look for an expert renovator with a solid process, a track record of success, and an aesthetic you like — then trust them!

4. It gets worse before it gets better

If you are like many of our clients, you will likely be living in your home while we complete your renovations. In fact, very few people decide to completely relocate during large projects like these, and we wouldn’t expect you to either. 

It is our job to prepare you for what to expect, so we want to be honest and up-front… there will be extra noise, it will be messy, and it will appear generally chaotic in the space being renovated. Yes, I know it is easy to be disheartened when you walk into layers of dust, piles of design plans, and a number of power tools, but that simply means that all is going according to plan. 

It is normal for your home to look worse before it looks better, but you can rest assured that on reveal day, the place will be sparkly clean and looking like a dream!

To get from the first photo to the second, we have to get our hands dirty!

5. Remember design is about what YOU want

We believe that you are as important a partner in the design process as the team bringing the design to life. Throughout the process, we will explore your likes and dislikes, bring you ideas and suggestions that maybe you haven’t considered, select appropriate designs based on your lifestyle, edit the concept with your feedback, and ultimately create a style that you adore. 

Somewhere along the way, you will probably receive unsolicited input from friends, estranged aunts, coworkers, the mailman… the list of people with opinions goes on and on. This happens to everyone, and it is completely normal. 

BUT. If we’ve spent the time and energy to create a design that’s perfect for you, and you’ve hired a team you trust, these outside opinions can be less than helpful. YOU are the one living in the home, and your opinion is the only one that matters!

Our best advice here is to let it go in one ear and out the other (as you nod  politely, of course), while trusting the design that has been approved and is being carried out by your dedicated and knowledgeable team. 

If you’re thinking, “But Sarah, I don’t know what design aesthetic would be perfect for me,” then our blog post on picking a design for your remodel will help inspire you!

To sum it all up… Plan well. Get the best people you know on your team. Consider the partnership with your designer and renovator carefully. And once you have signed on, be honest about your desires, style, goals, and trust the expert’s recommendations. This is a sure recipe for success.

If you are a first-time renovator (or even if you are seasoned in this whole remodel process), we invite you to contact us. Our team will manage your project from concept to completion without any surprises — other than the joyous big reveal at the end!



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