Why You Need to Hire a Kitchen Designer for the Best Results

We have all seen it on HGTV — the brand new homeowner has no clue where to start and is standing in an empty kitchen imagining how he/she will install the new cabinets. Next, they will turn to Google to answer their questions… and likely end up more confused than when they started!

And yet, I think we have all been there at some point. We get so caught up in the prospect of saving a few dollars, that we take on a project (inside our homes or out) that is bigger than we can handle. Then, once the project is well underway, we realize that it is going to cost more, take longer, is stressful (where did those gray hairs come from?), and has a huge learning curve.

Let me be the first to tell you that we do not advise this approach. Kitchens are intricate, and doing a project of this scale yourself often leads to frustration with the process and disappointment with the results. 

In fact, Steve and I have been called in more than a few times to take over DIY projects that aren’t going well. And let me tell you, it is so much easier and much less expensive to do the project right the first time. So, if you are planning to remodel your kitchen, we highly recommend working with a seasoned kitchen designer (whoever that may be for you!). The kitchen is the most complex room in your home and designing an efficient and functional kitchen is not for the novice. 

Here are 3 big ways that consulting with a kitchen designer can help you save time, stress, and money…

1. A Seasoned Expert On Your Side

One of the most frequently asked questions that comes our way is “How do I start my kitchen remodel project, and how can I set myself up for the best results?” As professional kitchen designers and renovators, Steve and I know that the only simple answer to that complex question is: Hire a designer. No, I am not just saying that to sell our services. I am saying that because I know it is true. A kitchen renovation is complicated and can be very stressful when you don’t have the knowledge, experience, or expertise that a professional has. 

Every decision we make for your home (and believe me, there are hundreds of them just in the kitchen) is backed by ALL of our knowledge and experience. We help you make quick and smart decisions that are best for your space and your goals. 

2. A Wise Long-Term Investment

While there are certain items in your home that you may change out every couple of years — paint colors, area rugs, maybe even furniture — your kitchen is something you design to last for a decade or more. 

Steve will often tell our clients that they won’t renovate their kitchen again for at least 10-15 years, often much longer. So we want you to get it right. We design and renovate multiple kitchens each year (as we have for over 30 years). That’s a lot of experience that adds up to a wealth of knowledge that we can bring to your remodel.

When you work with a seasoned kitchen designer, you’ll have the chance to learn from an expert who has created and installed hundreds of kitchens. But even more importantly, working with a designer ensures that the decisions you make for your kitchen today will be the same ones that benefit you tomorrow, next month, and for many years down the road.

Your kitchen is an equity investment. Make sure that your choices are going to benefit you financially and practically, now and for the foreseeable future as you live and grow in the heart of your home.

3. Project Management from Start to Finish

As you can imagine, working on a kitchen renovation requires a team. Between the contractor, the kitchen designer, the appliance vendor, the stone vendor and fabricator, the plumbing supplier, the hardware source, and more, there are clearly a lot of moving people and pieces. 

Assembling a team yourself can be exhausting. You have to find the best professionals for each of these roles, and then you have to juggle all of their schedules and deadlines during the project.

Plus… who do you trust? How do you know they are the best at what they do? Are they charging you a fair price? How do you navigate their busy schedules to ensure timely installation? All of these great questions are just one more reason that working with a GC and kitchen designer can save you many headaches. 

At CKD, we have a tight group of vetted tradespeople that we work with consistently. No searching for a tile installer or plumber — we have that covered and we manage the team and the whole process for you. 

Working with a kitchen designer on your renovation will take the stress out of the process so that you can focus on the fun aspects of the project (like your vision for it!) and forget about the hassle of managing it all. 

Lastly, I want you to know that you will always be the most important team member of your kitchen project. Even though we will be doing the work and guiding you on decisions, only YOU know what will work best for your family. 

In other words, the vision for your dream kitchen is yours. We simply bring it to life.

Handing off the management of the project will ensure a successful, enjoyable experience that leaves you with a great investment, and a thoughtful, beautiful kitchen design that you enjoy living in for years to come.

 If you are dreaming about a new kitchen but don’t know how to get started on the project, we invite you to contact us. Our team would be delighted to manage your kitchen renovation from start to beautiful finish.



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